Dental Bonding In Clermont

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If you’re self-conscious about your smile in Clermont due to issues like stains, gaps between your teeth, or misshapen teeth, Dr. Mundi Buechele is here to help. At Clermont Family Dentistry, we specialize in cosmetic dentistry treatments such as dental bonding. Learn more about bonding below, or contact us to schedule an appointment right away.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a cosmetic dental treatment used to restore your teeth and cover up issues with your smile’s appearance. In this procedure, Dr. Buechele will apply dental resin directly to your tooth, then sculpt, shape, and trim it to cover up imperfections and create a beautiful, natural-looking tooth restoration.

Bonding can be done in just a single appointment, with multiple teeth bonded at once. It also requires no removal of permanent tooth enamel, and you do not even have to have your mouth numbed during the procedure. This makes it very popular for patients who want minimally-invasive, affordable cosmetic care.

dental bonding in Clermont

Bonding For Cosmetic Purposes

Dental bonding is typically intended to be a cosmetic dentistry treatment. It can be used to fill in some minor chips in your teeth, but it’s not intended to replace a restorative treatment like a filling or a crown, which will still be required for damaged teeth. 

Instead, bonding is used for a wide variety of cosmetic purposes. Bonding can be used to cover up stained teeth, or to fill in the gaps between your teeth by adding more material to each tooth. It’s also commonly used to restore the shape of misshapen or small teeth. Since it’s fast, affordable, and non-invasive, bonding is very popular for cosmetic purposes. 

The Dental Bonding Process

First, Clermont dentist Dr. Mundi Buechele will clean your mouth, then he will use a mild acid solution to roughen up the teeth that will be bonded. This does not damage your teeth, but instead allows the bonding material to attach to your enamel more tightly, improving durability. 

Then, he will apply a tooth-colored bonding material directly to your tooth, and use special dental tools to shape it and sculpt it. Then, he will harden the resin and trim the bonding material further with a dental drill, refining its shape until it looks perfect and fits into your bite perfectly.  This process will be repeated for each tooth that is receiving treatment with dental bonding.

Caring For Bonded Teeth

Bonded teeth don’t require any special care after treatment. Just brush twice a day for two minutes and floss once a day to keep them strong and healthy, and make sure you see Dr. Mundi Buechele and the team at Clermont Family Dentistry for a six-month appointment and teeth cleaning.

In addition, try to avoid doing things that may damage your bonded teeth. This includes biting extremely hard foods (like popcorn kernels or almonds) with your front teeth, using your teeth as “tools” to tear open packages or rip tape, and chewing non-food objects like pens and pencils.

You may also want to get a night guard if you grind your teeth, since frequent grinding can loosen the bonding material and prematurely dislodge it from your tooth. 

What if my tooth is too damaged for dental bonding?

If dental bonding is not an option for your damaged tooth, there are other solutions available. Two common alternatives are veneers and crowns. Be sure to consult with your dentist to determine the best course of action for you.

How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?

Dental bonding lasts anywhere from 3 to 10 years, if well taken care of. To maintain your dental bonding, ensure you floss and brush regularly and schedule frequent dental visits to ensure your bonding lasts its longest. Also, avoid chewing hard and crunchy food as they may chip or crack the bonding. You should also consider wearing a mouthguard if you suffer from bruxism or clench your teeth often to extend the bonding’s longevity.

Is Dental Bonding Similar to Veneers?

No! Dental bonding isn’t similar to veneers also they both serve a cosmetic bonding. Dental bonding uses  tooth-colored composites resin to repair imperfections, while veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that the dentist attaches to the enamel to hide imperfection. The process of getting veneers is different from that of dental bonding. However, the materials used are mostly the same and both procedures enhance your smile.

Is Dental Bonding Painful?

No, dental bonding is a painless, non-invasive dental procedure. The process is simple and straightforward. 

During the procedure, the dentist  will roughen up your tooth’s surface using etching acid to help the bonding material adhere better to your tooth. The dentist will then apply the bonding resin onto the teeth and mold it to fit the shape of your teeth and use a curing light to cement the bonding in place. 

Does Dental Bonding Require Multiple Dental Visits?

Unlike other procedures, dental bonding can be finished in one dental sitting. The process is straightforward and doesn’t require specialized tools and equipment. Most dental bonding treatments only take between 30 minutes to an hour to complete. However ,if you require l bonding on multiple teeth, you might have to schedule a couple of dental visits. The same goes for people who require extensive tooth preparation before bonding.

How Do I Take Care of My Teeth After Dental Bonding?

Proper post-procedure care is crucial to the longevity of your dental bonding. Ensure you brush twice daily and floss daily to protect your bonding. Also, avoid biting down into hard food like carrots and apples. In addition, don’t chew your nails. Also, be sure to visit your dentist every 6 months for a professional clean up and check up. 

What’s more, remember to steer clear of coffee, wine, and other pigmented drinks for at least two days after the procedure.

Is Teeth Bonding Right for Me?

You may require dental bonding if you have slight chips and cracks on the teeth. The bonding material can cover these chips and cracks. You may also need bonding if your teeth are discolored to hide the discoloration. 

Individuals with small gaps between the teeth can also get bonding to reduce the gaps. Bonding also works for people with teeth that are shorter than the rest or slightly misaligned. The bonding will lengthen the teeth to ensure uniformity.

How Long After Dental Bonding Do I Have to Wait Before Eating or Drinking?

It’s common to be famished after a dental procedure like bonding. The good news is that you can eat or drink immediately after the procedure, provided you don't bite into hard foods or drink highly pigmented fluids. The curing light cures the dental bonding in a matter of seconds so you can resume your regular life.

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